Artist Statement


Artist Statement

My work, whether paintings, printmaking, fiber art constructions or my fondness for drawings, are self-contained , self-reflecting  narratives;  narratives  concerned with universally timeless themes of life, redemption, salvation  and of course, death. This well trodden path is personally  familiar ground, rooted in personal experiences, concerns  and passions. Superficially my inspiration may be found in classical mythology, British folklore, my own Roman Catholicism  and the exquisite art of the late International Gothic and early Northern Renaissance. A vivid dreamscape also serves as a  frequent muse, but most essentially it is the being-ness of self that is my impetus to put pencil to paper.  Specifically the challenges of living life fully and richly, taking the fullest advantage of this most limited gift.

The carapace of a cicada sits as inspiration in my studio, a fleetingly gorgeous memento mori , a reminder to make openly, observantly and  compassionately.  




  1. Dear Leonard,

    I know your inbox is probably a busy place, so I just wanted to send a quick follow-up email. May I send you some information about the New York exhibition opportunities and promotional services, offered by Agora Gallery? My original email is copied below for quick reference.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Best Regards,

    Roanna Cada
    Gallery Representative / Agora Gallery

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